'How to Draw Fur | Faux Fur Coat | Fashion Illustration'

'How to Draw Fur | Faux Fur Coat | Fashion Illustration'
06:41 Nov 27, 2021
'Faux Fur is a synthetic fiber made from various materials like acrylic, polyester and such to resemble fur. It\'s made to to promote animal-friendly fashion. A faux fur coat can be illustrated through various mediums and applications to show the heaviness of the coat along with the fine hair of the fur. I\'ve used one such medium here which is an easy alternative to the water color brush for filling up the areas. More such ways coming soon on this channel.   Materials Used: Camlin brush pens Faber castell Polychromos color pencils Steadler Luna color pencils  Sakura Gelly Roll white gel pen  ***Check out other videos****  Visit my Channel   

Tags: how to , fur , illustration , fashion drawing , step by step , coat , how to do fashion sketches , how to draw fur , how to draw faux fur , how to draw fur coat , faahion illustration , how to do fabric rendering , faahion sketching

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